05 December 2009

PS: I'm Fifteen

Who's a gamer? As much as I've tried to be -- even wanted to be -- over the years (just to fit in, of course), I've never been able to develop the habit. Maybe because I've got too many other ones to worry about -- and sitting alone for hours at a time in front of a television or computer has never been my idea of fun. Then again, I've started blogging. Hmmm....
I tagged myself there -- today's a day I'll always remember. Just like my younger, non-gamer self can recall when Sony's PlayStation first hit the shelves. The original PS turned a grand 15 years old December 3rd, and wow, man, I can actually remember the day it hit the shelves. It was the same year that I moved to San Francisco, and just one year after Sony first launched their new console system in Japan. Sony's PS2 followed in 2000, and in 2001 Sony re-launched their first console as the abbreviated PS1. And I'm sure you all know what comes next -- 2007 brought us the cutting edge PS3, the PSP popped up in 2008, and for 2009, the healthier and leaner PS3 Slim.
Sony and I both had a big 1995, which is cool. The years since have been good to us both as well; we've slimmed down, gone way more high-tech, and neither of us has lost our appreciation of joysticks.
The Evolution of Video Games

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