31 October 2009

Did You Catch Our Halloween Re-Posts? FlashCAPTION Ends Friday

The NewsFLASH reposts went live on the comicsblog Halloween night - and even made it through most of the morning hours. Total posting time on abbracadabbling was approximately twelve hours.
The current hour is now (factoring in Daylight Savings, of course) 11:15am PST, and the re-posted clues are down for good.
Here's a brief summary of how to enter FlashCAPTION:
Compose a witty caption, read it aloud and share it with all the BFF's. Then write it in the large empty caption box beside Wally West's astonished face. Along with the most correct answer from the clues you've solved (which you've already jotted down in the upper left-hand corner caption box), download the Flash file and print a hard copy for yourself.
Then, mail your completed Flash JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, or BIT to presentmagiccomics@gmail.com -- and be sure to write FlashCAPTION in the subject line so we know you're not spam! Please feel free to send us a small photo of yourself, too. If you write "Ok to post on blog," we'll put your face next to your winning entry on our Saturday blog!!
Full contest details can be found here.
PS. For those of you who have been wondering as to the actual values of NewsFLASH Clues that have values exceeded and seemingly made irrelevant by a later post with a higher value, here's our rationale: The more valuable the NewsFLASH, the more difficult the Clue. Should no one be able to answer the correct clue, contestants who have answered the next most valuable clue will then be in consideration for the big prize. The numbers help sort all that out in the final analysis.
As posted below, all contest submissions must be received by 11:59 PM PST on Thursday, November 5th, 2009 . Preliminary winners will be selected from of all eligible contestants' emails containing the proper answer to Wally's 'Mystery City'. Entries will then be judged on their original caption, and criteria for selecting a one overall winner will be based on creativity, wit, and comic book 'appropriateness' of all captions submitted. Final Winner will be notified by email, and winner's entry will be posted along with their name (and photo, if submitted) on abbracadabbling by 3pm PST Saturday, November 7th, 2o09.

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