30 October 2009

HALLOWEEN 2009: The Walking Dead - 1953 Style

My favorite holiday of the entire year's just a mere 24 hours away, dabblers. We've been off the blog all week here in Springfield, and we know we're down to the wire. So expect to find as many Halloween Tricks or Treats as we can get posted right here before the Big Night descends upon us all.
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I get a kick out of the comics prose stories that used to appear in some of the Golden Age and Silver Age books, particularly from DC Comics as well as a few of the Charlton books. (Now that I think about it, I guess it's rather appropriate that Charlton sold their characters to DC after they closed their doors for good back in 1985. And just in time for the Crisis on Infinite Earths, too. But I digress...)
DC (and Charlton, to a lesser extent) used the one to three page prose stories as back-up features, primarily in their romance lines. Usually the tales were genre-based short stories, peppered with an odd assortment of educational material -- odd facts on subjects that probably seemed more than weird to the kids reading the books back in the day. Like how to fix a broken refrigerator, all about cold weather fronts, or the best days for sailing off the coast of Yucatan. Ok, kidding about that last one, but you never know - we could have missed it, too.
One of the old prose pieces our archivists here in Springfield offices found is spot-on for a creepy Halloween read. And after I spent a bit of blogspace bringing you the 411 on DC and Charlton, this baby was published by neither.
Let's put some hands together and thank Silver Age publisher Better Comics for their two-page prose addition to our abbracadabbling Halloween. From Issue #10 of Adventures into Darkness (1953), I hope you enjoy The Walking Dead....!
To get a closer look at The Walking Dead
find Page (1) here, and Page (2) here.
More Halloween 2009!!!

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