01 November 2009

HALLOWEEN '09: Late-Night Vampirella

I know I said I was signing off for the night, but I'd promised a friend of mine from Eugene that I'd have a little Vampirella on the blog before Halloween was over. I'm glad I took his advice, too: while comic book heroine TNA isn't an acronym that raises my mast much less one that floats my boat, I have to admit there's much more to the Vampirella story than I ever would've guessed. Right now, I'm stuck thinking about how much she and Bettie Page share in common. It's an intriguing, nebulous area worthy of more mental acuity than I'm capable of right now.
So Billy, my friend, here's Vampirella. Her Long Halloween debut on your favorite comicsblog is but the first of many, I assure you.
Amanda Conner contributes her artistic talents to the Vampirella Halloween Special 2006, from Harris Comics. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Billy said...

Wow... you did just that! Thanx for mentioning her (Vampirella), now SHE could (should) make a good Playboy cover !-)
Though the way I remember her, she only wore black, and was quite pale. Not as rosy -or cheeky- or colourfull, as in the Holloween cover that you show.
Does that mean she still is in print... And if so: is it still the original artist ???