As tough as we were on Disney World's new Tron-o-Rail, both the once and future Tron movies captivate us in too many ways. Disney's first Tron made its debut almost twenty-eight years ago, introducing audiences to the concept of The Computer as Environment at a time when computers themselves were brand new technologies yet to be embraced. But that was then, this is now. And today, especially in (neon) light of the upcoming Tron:Legacy, Tron 1.0 looks like pure Retro.
Vimeo user Hexagonall thought so, too, but took his Retro-spectives one creative step further...or farther - back in time. Drawing from the minimalistic graphic art and film title designs of Saul Bass, the man who reinvented the movie title as an art form, and especially Bass' opening sequences for Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho
and North By Northwest, Hexagonall recreated Tron's opening credits. And from the bright blue lightcycle-like lines to the video's horny audio track, we're sure Saul Bass - and even Mickey Mouse - would approve. [via] Hexagonall on Vimeo: link
Tron (Untitled)
Tron Poster for Alamo Drafthouse, by Brad Klausen
Silkscreen (w/ glow-in-the-dark ink!), 24″x36″, 2008 [via]
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