03 March 2010

Figures In Action! From 'Dark Knight' to 'BLACKEST NIGHT' for The Batman

 'Black Lantern' Batman - Blackest Night: Series 5 by DC Direct
Abbracadabbling's favorite comics scribe Grant Morrison did the unthinkable when he presumably killed Bruce Wayne aka The Batman last spring in DC Comics' Final Crisis series. One year later, Morrison's planning to revisit Batman's death and reveal what truly befell the Caped Crusader, both in the pages of his best-selling Batman and Robin and another upcoming DC event we'll have more on soon. Meanwhile, DC's other chief scribe and newly-appointed Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns, whose revitalization of Green Lantern has blossomed into Blackest Night -- one of the publisher's best-selling line-wide comics event ever, not to mention a cross-platform mega-marketing bonanza -- found use for a very dead Batman within that series as well.

Thanks to the efforts of both writers, fans of superheroes and horror can seize the opportunity to add a 'Zombie Batman' to their collection - and while we're not keen on our dear Dark Knight being (semi?) permanently 'dead', even Batman would have to admit he'd scare plenty of criminals in his undead duds. DC Direct capitalizes on Johns' Blackest Night mega-event with several action figures series - three of which are currently for sale or sold-out - but for Batman fans, Blackest Night Series Five is but months away.  

Series Five includes Blackest Night Batman as well as undead versions of two other heroic mainstays of DC Comics, Hawkman and well... Deadman -- which, given the name, might be kind of difficult to explain how he's both dead...and undead.  Nekron, the ultimate villain of Blackest Night, rounds out the Series for its August retail appearance.
 And boys and girls, should you like to take a gander on just how undead the recently and possibly departed Dark Knight Detective was amongst the many pages of Blackest Night, we've got DC's variant cover  art for Blackest Night Issue 5 just below.  Artist Rodolfo Migliari did the honors and created one of the best -- and eeriest - of the entire series. Props to the dude and his twisted sick mind -- because we're loving it long time!
 Art by Rodolfo Migliari (DC Comics)
Check out all of DC Direct's Blackest Night action figures at their homepage HERE. And DC's mini-site for their entire Blackest Night can be located within the publisher's website, right HERE. Dig Rodolfo's drawing skills? Check his blog - HERE.

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