20 February 2010

JD Salinger: Re-Issued and Re-Designed

The death of well-secluded author JD Salinger generated copious amounts of blog-talk across the 'net, our own rather spontaneous yet uniquely captivating Catcher In The Rye vs Watchmen comparison adding to the web fracas.   Be that as it may, we're back on the Salinger track to drum up some business for the late author tonight. Actually, no, we'd only do that if the royalties were forthcoming! But seriously, dabblers, our time's more than well-spent if we point even one of you  in the direction of a good book - comics notwithstanding.  

Penguin Books' Hamish Hamilton line had plans to present Salinger re-issued and re-designed prior to his passing, and understandably moved their release date up a few months to offer what solace they could to the author's many grieving groupies.  But because the new Penguin's were in the works before Salinger died, their covers bear the mark of his involvement -- i.e., the only copy Salinger has ever allowed to appear on his books, back or front, is his name and the book's title. Nope, nothing else at all: no quotes, no cover blurb, no biography. So to add spice, Penguin commissioned a unique font - now dubbed 'Salinger' - for one-time use on the re-issues, due in March.  Which makes these four guys rather collectible, but it sure doesn't make JD Salinger as weird as Alan Moore. Get 'em while you can, dabblers.

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