12 June 2010


You can probably tell by our embarrassing lack of new posts that your buddies here at the Home Office have had quite the week, can't you? (You can, huh? Drats!) Well, we weren't planning on keeping it a secret, anyway; seriously, how could we? We've spent our waking weekday hours inside the Present Magic Comics Shop on eBay - which, as dabblers know, is the place where abbracadabbling makes magic happen

Here's just a few of the amazing new items currently posted:
[UPDATE 13 JUNE 2010
Strike the Paul Levitz signed Legion of Superheroes #1, dabblers! We're pleased as punch to report that the very collectible comic has found a new home. An abbracadabbling congratulatory shout-out to Kevin from Tampa, Florida - thanks, dude!]

Did we mention that our Blackest Night action figures from DC Direct are also on sale? Check 'em out here:
The store's packed with so many incredible comics collectibles, we'd never believe it if it wasn't ours. But it is - and because we're the boss, we're gonna get your Saturday off to a great start! abbracadabbling is stoked to offer all dabblers who follow our daily blog an additional 10% off the sale price of one item at the Present Magic Comics Shop -- just be sure to mention this sweet little dealeo at your time of checkout and we'll have ya covered! 

So take a few and go strolling where the prices are low and it doesn't take magic to get a great deal -- the Present Magic Comics Shop, on eBayMembers, sign in to eBay [here] and visitors to the Comics Shop, welcome. Please enter [here]. Thanks, dabblers!

10% abbracadabbling discount good thru 15 June 2o10

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