24 March 2010

Coming Attractions: SCOTT PILGRIM's FINEST HOUR, Last Book, and First Film

The comics world is still abuzz buzz buzzing about Chris Evans' new future as Captain America.  But not everybody with a four-color affinity is celebrating the news like an early Fourth of July. It might shock ya to learn that some folks just aren't superhero fans.

Yes, yes it's true.  Diversity rocks, and Chris Evans knows diversity as well as he knows how good he looks wearing only a wet towel -- which means, dude's an expert. Before he climbs into Cap's skin-tight blue leathers, Evans will be catering to comics fandoms' divers interests by playing two very different roles in his next two films, both of which just happen to be smokin' hot comic book properties.  First up, we'll be seeing Evans in just four short weeks when Warner Bros /Vertigo Comics' The Losers blows up the big screen. Then, scant months later, he'll be back for August's adaptation of the fan-favorite indie digest series Scott Pilgrim, in Scott Pilgrim Vs The World.  

Portland, Oregon-based independent comic book publisher Oni Press has been home to Bryan Lee O'Malley's character - the Canadian slacker, skate boarder,  and everyday 23-year old with a troublesome love life, Scott Pilgrim -- since the first digest-sized volume of his black-and-white adventures was published back in 2004.  O'Malley always intended to tell Scott's misadventures in a six volume series, and although die hard 'Pilgrims' have been dining on Volume 5 since it was published last year, we can hear their rumbling tummies call for more Pilgrim from here.

Their Thanksgiving-sized appetites are about to be sated.  Just as the news of Evans' acceptance hit the net late last week, the good word  also came that the much-anticipated sixth and final volume of Scott Pilgrim's adventures - Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour - will be on shelves this year, and well in-advance of its protagonist's opening night. Oni has scheduled Finest Hour for a July 2010 release,  plenty of time for 'Pilgrims' to make their  pilgrimage to the local comic shop, bookstore, or even Santa Monica weeks before they queue up at the box office. 

Not being overly familiar with O'Malley or Scott Pilgrim, we've got plenty of reading ahead of us if we want to be part of the in-crowd in line for the guy's big movie premiere.  (Which, of course, we do. Must!) We hear that there's a lot of story to wrap up in Volume Six, and whether the surprises Pilgrim's final tale holds will figure into the film is anybody's guess.  Pilgrim fans, get us your righteous Back Issues and let us know what you're thinking,  because this time around, we're the peeps who need to be schooled.  Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World stars Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim, in a film directed by Edgar Wright. The movie opens 13 August 2010. 

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