12 March 2010

Comics Moment in History: Stephen Colbert Does NYCC

 Fellow fanboy Stephen Colbert promotes his Tek at New York's Comic Con (2007)

The Colbert Report is one of the smartest shows on late-night television, and its host  Stephen Colbert isn't just wise and witty -- he's also very comics-friendly.  Colbert became immersed in all things science fiction and fantasy (especially J.R.R. Tolkien) before he was a teenager, and we hear he was quite the Dungeons and Dragons player, too.  Comics, of course, are a natural fit to Colbert's interests, and he must have thought the same when he introduced Tek Jansen, the space-faring protagonist of his fictitious self-published 1,800 page novel, Stephen Colbert's Alpha Squad 7: Lady Nocturne: A Tek Jansen Adventure on his show back in 2005. 

A year later, Colbert debuted a series of  Tek Jansen animated shorts on The Colbert Report - and the character whose adventures began as a parody of a Bill O'Reilly novel suddenly went to warp speed on its own.   At the same time, Colbert collaborated with comics publisher Oni Press to create a five-issue adaptation of his fictional 1,800 page Tek Jansen novel. Oni's Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen Issue #1 was published in July of 2007, with the fifth and final issue of the series making its way into comics shops just last August. 

Nobody needs another reason to think that Stephen Colbert is cool, but we figured another five (issues) would only make it more than clear that we do.  A tip of our magic hat to you, Mister Colbert: abbracadabbling appreciates all that you say and do.
You can read all about Oni's Tek Jansen comic book series on their website, where the publisher's also got all five issues on sale right now. You can pick 'em up individually or collected in 'graphic novel' (i.e., trade paperback) format HERE.

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