29 May 2010

Weekend T: Rock Unique With TONY STARK and The THUNDERKITTYS

Some are already calling The WEEKEND T(Shirt) 'the Home of comics couture', but we pay little attention to the time-traveling contingent.  Our attentive peepers are instead focused on finding the  hot internet T-spots with the coolest comics on cotton that make sure everybody will see what you body is saying.  After all, Dabblers don't roll to "I'm With Stupid" when "I understand the cryptic nature of Shimizu's Kitty and can masterfully utilize current retro-fadtrending  and Thundercats so as to create a pop-cultural dichotomy that's at once pan-temporal and funny as hell" really just says it better -- and in a fashion-forward sort of way.  To put it simply: from the emphatic to the sublime, tees are personal statements that must equally be said well and wear well. And when dapple dabblers wanna wear awesome, they comicsblog  The WEEKEND T.
Spun Dry - $20 - Glennz [get spun Spidey]

Emerald Warrior - $30 - 80s Tees [vintage green is keen]

Stark Ironworks (Iron Man 2) - $24 - UberTorso  

Batman Rock - $25 - RedBubble [rad bat]
Designed by SevenHundred [more700]

And as theorized and scrutinized up top and also from SevenHundred,this week's Model T:

Hello Thunderkittys (Custom - $50 - RedBubble [meow]
Designed by SevenHundred [more700]

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